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  • Kylie Belchamber

Write for the BALR blog!

You may have noticed that we have been a little quiet on the blog front lately. We apologise for that! This is partly due to our publications secretary Greer moving to the US for an exciting post-doc opportunity (congrats Greer!), and due to our communication officer being terrible at keeping up with her writing (papers or otherwise).

However, this is where our BALR members can give us a little hand! We are always on the search for blog articles from members, on any topic that they find interesting, useful, or just want to write about. So we are encouraging you to send us some blog material! These can come from anyone, including BSc students, PhD students, post docs, lecturers, professors, scientists and members of the public - the only catch is you have to be a current BALR member.

Great topics include:

1. A conference attended recently

2. A paper you found useful

3. A presentation you gave

4, A technique that you think others would find interesting

5. The daily grind as a PhD/postdoc/lecturer/professor

6. An interview with a scientist in the field

7. A topic that interests you

Writing a blog post is a fantastic way to channel your thoughts, learn how to write scientific or lay articles, and your involvement in the BALR can be added to your CV too!

To submit a post, or to discuss writing something, please email us at, and Kylie will get back to you. We reserve the right to edit your post (with your approval) to suit our aims and obligations as a scientific organisation and charity - but this isn't normally necessary.

Get writing!

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